PostMordial Soup: A Contemporary Goulash

I’m Kayti Mayfield, and welcome to PostMordial Soup!

I’ve been an active internet gremlin for about a decade and a half now; most friends and acquaintances just know me as Quilly (or quillyfied, if you want to be formal, but there have been many variations on the “quill” theme). In setting up this blog, I thought long and hard about how to incorporate that accidental personal brand into the workings of a more professional setting, but in the long run, perhaps a rebranding was more in order. That said, let’s get to the meat of the introduction:

I’m a twenty-seven (and counting)-year-old woman with editorial experience, a passion for stories, and an amateur mental health advocate. If this was my resume, I would wax eloquent about my English degree and the unimpressive list of jobs I’ve held and my modest freelance career, but it isn’t. This is an introduction to myself as a narrator, the important bits of which are that I am a proud self-branded nerd girl, a struggling anxiety-depression sufferer, WAY too into Pokémon and RPG dice sets for my own good, and occasionally a crafter. I could hand out the laundry list of labels I’ve chosen for myself—Gemini, Hufflepuff, dungeon master, cookie baker, member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints—but I prefer to let the blog speak for itself and inform people what kind of person I am, aside from catch-alls.

As the title of the blog would suggest, this is going to be my personal log of whatever I feel like addressing, a mishmash of interests and errant thoughts. It came from a rather interesting question from my therapist that was never revisited, but which I contemplated for weeks anyway, which was: if you could write an autobiography, what would you title it? PostMordial Soup was the answer—I am an organism born of the collective consciousness of the generations of humanity before, pop culture and history and music and stories and funny cat videos. Those expecting consistency of theme or topic will be mostly disappointed. My attention span has wanderlust something fierce.

Let’s get started.

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