Roller Coaster 2021

So…it’s been a bit. Normally I don’t really feel up to giving a drawn-out update of my life, because generally my life is boring and you all likely hear enough of my whining about my dissatisfaction with it every other post anyway. But I’ve dropped the ball on my monthly blog post goal for this year, and actually, there’s been a little bit of a reason this time—sort of the same reason as last year, when life was so overwhelming I couldn’t find the words or motivation to reach out, but this time, this exact afternoon…I need to take another opportunity to lay out the last few months and shake my head at them and wonder how it came to this, anyway.

There’s going to be some squicky medical talk and some facepalming, likely more on your end while I giggle weakly at my own follies, but if I’m going to pay nearly as much for surgery as I did for this website, then darn it, I’m going to journalize and no one can stop me.

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Glitter Cookies

When life is intent on squashing you like a bug, sometimes you need some levity to distract from how your entire body feels like a crackling exoskeleton. Sometimes, that takes the form of a cargo ship blocking up an important trade route and the veritable explosion of memes (and surprisingly well-written fanfiction) that follows. Sometimes, it’s taking a moment to laugh at yourself and your many, many culinary failures (fun fact: don’t cook gluten-free noodles made from beans in a crockpot to make mac and cheese unless you’re really into cheesy bean paste). Sometimes…sometimes it’s in finding your limit in an entirely different way and having a long, loud laugh that could also either be screaming or crying depending on the angle.

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A Series of Horrible Terrible No-Good Very Bad Events

Friends, there will be a double posting this weekend; first, this post about the truly exquisite rash of bad luck I’ve experienced this past week, and second, a rather special pre-planned post I hope you’ll tune in Sunday for. It’s going to be incredibly personal and revealing for me, and I’m scared of it, but I think it’s something that needs to be expressed in my own personal context.

Before that, though, here’s a log of the past seven days, detailing the uniquely frustrating set of circumstances surrounding my recent purchase of a new phone, the first Really Big Purchase of my adult life, besides college and health insurance. And my work bag with unicorns on it. There were tears. There was laughter. There was definitely some dark magic at work, and some kind wizards to help combat it. Without further ado, I present: The Great Phone Purchase Debacle of 2019.

There it is, my old wounded warrior. RIP.
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